motivated by e-mail from Kevin B.
Once upon a time I generated a spreadsheet that downloaded prices for 30 stocks ... to play with the data.
You could choose an allocation, like 5% of this one and 1% of that one and ...
>Yeah, so?
Now I got a spreadsheet that'll download monthly data for 30 stocks and generate a table of correlations, with colours to identify those with small and large correlations, like so:
>Ugh! Lousy colours.
Did I mention that you can choose your own colours?
>So how do I get ...?
Just click on the picture.
motivated by e-mail from TCL.
P.S. There's a 60-stock correlation spreadsheet here:
>What's it do?
Up to 60 stocks.
However, you can do fewer and you'll get a tiny table like this: