There are lots of areas with major earthquakes.
They occur on or near Tectonic Plates.
In Dec, 2004, major quakes were near Indonesia:
See the circle & arrow?
Yesterday a major earthquake, magnitude 7.0, hit Haiti.
The island lies just South of an edge of the Caribbean Plate.
Worse, a fault line runs through Haiti.
Indeed, the capital, Port-au-Prince, is on that fault.
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I was surprised to learn (a consequence of old age, I reckon) that they don't use the Richter scale any more ... to measure earthquake "strength".
I had written a tutorial describing good ol' Richter and figured I was SO knowledgeable.
Now I have to understand the sexy new scale.
They no longer say: "7.0 on the Richter scale".
They say: "A magnitude 7.0 earthquake".
The Richter scale is measured by the amplitude of oscillation on a seismograph.
The entire seismograph case is firmly attached to the ground and oscillates with the earthquake.
A pen, attached to a large mass, generates a chart. The large mass stays (relatively) stationary.
(Sorta like a pendulum ... with the pendulum support doing the moving.)
Going from 6.0 to 7.0 means a tenfold increase in the amplitude of ground motion.
That factor-of-ten thing is because the Richter number is based upon a logarithm to base 10.
Since log10(10A) = 1 + log10(A), adding "1" to the Richter number means an amplitude 10 times larger.
| Seismograph |
These days, seismologists are more interested in the energy released by an eathquake, not the amplitude of ground motion.
It's been found that Energy varies as the 2/3 power of the amplitude of oscillation.
If A is the amplitude, that suggests using A2/3 to measure the energy released.
That suggests the "new" measure of the energy should be: log10(A2/3) ... continuing with the logarithmic ritual
This is now called the Moment Magnitude Scale: MW.
>Why the subscript "W"?
I have no idea. In fact, I have no idea why it's called the "Moment" magnitude.
Okay. Suppose that MW is increased by 1. How much does does the energy increase?
If MW increases by 1, then:
1 + log10[A2/3] = log10[10A2/3] = log10[ (103/2A)2/3].
That is, the energy increases by 103/2 ... about 31.
Mamma mia!
>Do you really understand this stuff?
Uh ... do you want the truth?
Moment Magnitude measurements
Okay, after further reading I find the following:
- There's something called M0, the seismic moment of the earthquake.
- M0 measures the energy associated with the earthquake:
M0 = μ A u, where
μ is the shear modulus of the rocks involved in the earthquake,
A is the area of the rupture along the geologic fault where the earthquake occurred,
u is the (average) displacement on A.
- Note (from the figure) that M0 = μAu = F H = Force x Length ... a torque.
- Torque is the moment of a force ... hence the name seismic moment.
- M0 = μ A u has the dimensions of Force x Distance ... and that's energy
- Although M0 measures the energy generated by an earthquake, not all that energy is propagated through ground waves
... and measured by a seismograph.
- An "estimate" of how much of that energy is transmitted through ground waves?
That's the seismic energy: Es = M0 x 10-4.8
- Note that the log[M0] differs from log[Es] by a constant, namely 4.8.
- The Moment Magnitude is given by: MW = (2/3) log10[M0] - 10.7
The 10.7 is included to achieve consistency with the older Richter scale.
The subscript "W" means "Work".
Work = force x distance and the forces and displacements involved in a quake generate work
... and work = energy.
| Definition of Shear Modulus |
>Wait! Do I need to know all this stuff?
You can sleep. I'd like to understand how they measure earthquake energies.
Can you see that μ has the dimensions of Force / Area (since u / H is dimensionless)?
That means that μ has the dimentions of pressure ... measured in Pascals (Pa).
A Pa is pretty small. It takes about 8900 Pas to equal 1 pound per square inch.
The rocks that take part in an earthquake have a shear modulus between 30 and 80 GPa ... and a GPa = 109 Pa.