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- We start with a function f(t) where t (which we can think of as time)
lies in the interval [0,T]
- We subdivide this interval by equally spaced points t0=0, t1, t2, t3 ... tN
where Dt = tk+1 - tk (k = 0,1,2, ... N-1)
- We construct the so-called Riemann Sum:
f(t1)Dt+ f(t2)Dt + f(t3)Dt + ... + f(tN)Dt
= S f(tk)Dt
| Figure 1
S f(tk)Dt
f(t) dt
as Dt 0
- Suppose returns r have a Mean M[r] and Variance V[r].
- If the returns r are lognormally distributed, then r = ex where the x's are normally distributed.
- Suppose the Mean and Variance for the x's are M[x] and V[x].
- Because of the lognormal association, the relation between M[r], V[r], M[x] and V[x] is
V[x] = log[1+V[r]/{1+M[r]}2]
M[x] = log[1+M[r])]- V[x]/2
- Hence eM[x] = (1+M[r]) e- V[x]/2 = (1+M[r]) [1+V[r]/{1+M[r]}2]-1/2
- The Median return is then r = eM[x] - 1 = (1+M[r]) [1+V[r]/{1+M[r]}2]-1/2 - 1
- For small M[x] and V[x], r is approximately
r = (1+M[r]) [1- (1/2)V[r]] - 1
which is approximately r = M[r] - V[r]/2.
EXP(m+s2/2) = M
[EXP(s2)-1] = S2
Solving, we get the Magic Formula:
m = LOG(M) - s2/2
= LOG(1 + S2/M2)