Investing INSIDE or OUTSIDE a tax deferred plan     an appendix to RRSP: in or out

We consider the financial aspects of putting money INSIDE a tax-deferred investment plan (wherein you don't pay taxes on the dollars invested, but pay when the money is withdrawn, at retirement), and investing OUTSIDE such a plan (where you invest with after-tax dollars and pay taxes on capital gains). In each case, we assume that at, retirement, you buy a fixed M-year annuity which lasts, hopefully, until you drop dead.

The variables are:

  • A = annual investment (before taxes).
  • R1 = annual return on INSIDE investments.
  • R2 = annual return on OUTSIDE investments (after capital gain taxes, if any).
  • N = numbers of years of investing.
  • T1 = tax rate while investing.
  • T2 = tax rate after retirement (while withdrawing).
  • M = years of an annuity.
  • r = capital gains tax-factor ... what fraction of T2?

The magic formulas are (see the Math):

INSIDE after-tax income = A{(1+R1)N-1}/{1-(1+R1)-M}(1-T2)

OUTSIDE after-tax income = A(1-T1)[ {(1+R2)N-1}/{1-(1+R2)-M}(1-rT2) + rT2N/M ]

Annual Investment A = $
INSIDE return R1 = %
OUTSIDE return R2 = %
Years of investing N =
Tax Rate while investing T1 = % (until retirement)
Tax Rate while withdrawing T2 = % (after retirement)
Years of annuity M = (years until annuity ceases)
Capital gains tax-factor r = %     so capital gains tax rate is THIS percentage of T2

INSIDE after-tax income at retirement =     in today's dollars =
OUTSIDE after-tax income at retirement =     in today's dollars =
in today's dollars assumes a 3% inflation rate

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