motivated by a chance meeting with Ian.
So there I was, waiting for my blood test at an MDS lab and ...
>Blood test?
Yeah. At my age I gotta get checked every year.
Anyway, while waiting, an old colleague that I hadn't seen for years sat down beside me.
While I was doing nothing but staring at the ceiling, he was solving SuDokus.
Yeah. I'd never heard of them either.
Anyway, he gave me a printout that he got
here and I played with it, first with a smile,
then with a curse ... or three.
After some time (I won't say how long!) I solved it and decided it'd be more fun
(and less frustrating) to make my own
So if'n y'all want to try it, click on the picture:
click on the picture to download the spreadsheet
>I assume it's an Excel spreadsheet, right?
>And the solution to the sudoku in the spreadsheet?
Well, you get a different SuDoku every time you click the button, but the one shown has solution:
I should point out that the spreadsheet SuDokus ain't very sophisticated, but they're fun
... and frustrating.
>I especially like the ones where Degree of Difficulty = 1
- Apparently the first puzzle (called Number Place) was created by Howard Garns in the late 1970s and published in New York.
- It was introduced in the Japanese Monthly Nikolist in 1984 as Suji wa dokushin ni kagiru which
(I understand)
means: single celibate unmarried (?)
- The president of the Nikolist renamed the puzzle: Sudoku (sue-do-koo: su = number, doku = single).
- The puzzles became very popular in the U.K. in the last few years (with the Daily Telegraph introducing a daily version in Feb, 2005).
Today there are hundreds of newspapers in dozens of countries that publish Sudoku puzzles.
Chicago SunTimes
the Guardian
Svenska (Sweden)
der Standard (Austria)
Aftenposten (Norway) etc. etc.
- For the 9x9, the number of possible Sudokus is: 6,670,903,752,021,072,936,960
There's also a sudoku for Kids which looks like this:
click on the picture to download the spreadsheet
Yeah. You type in a number from 1 to 6 and it turns into an animal.
>You get a happy face when you got something right?
Yes indeedy ... if you get a row done right ... or a column or a 2x3 square.
You'll notice that sudoku-for-kids ain't symmetrical. My grandkids wouldn't appreciate symmetry anyway, so I didn't bother ...
>I think I'll play the Kiddie version.
That makes two of us.
See also Sudoku stuff and especially
Kid stuff
If you'd like to see a sudoku and get a wee bit of help in solving it ...
>Now you're talkin' !
... you can try this guy which generates new sudokus and gives some help:
Click on the picture to download.
But, if you'd like to type in your own sudoku and get some help as well, then you can try this guy:
do the SuDoku
check out the daily SuDoku